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Why Mapping?
Session 1: Why Mapping? An Overview
Session 2: Legacy
Session 3: Clarity
Session 4: Articulation
The Seven C’s: A Vision for Curriculum and Instruction
Session 1: Christian: How are we distinctively Christian?
Session 2: Clarity 1: How will we meet the promises of our school’s mission?
Session 3: Clarity 2: How can we choose content well?
Session 4: Consistency: How will we deliver a consistent instructional program across the grades?
Session 5: Collaboration: How do we improve what we are doing for students by working together as a team?
Session 6: Constituents: How can we engage students in the learning process?
Session 7: Culture of Learning: How do we establish a culture of learning at our school?
All Thing Standards
Overview & Premise 1: This is YOUR Database
Premise 2: You Can Align to Literally Anything
Premise 3: Commonly Used Standards Are Worth Exploring
Premise 4: Sometimes, There Is Value In Starting From Scratch or Mixing
Premise 5: Make Standards Your Servant Not Your Master
Premise 6: Standards May Not Be Required for Every Area
Premise 7: Standards Alignment Data Should Be Explored by Everyone