Support Help Center

Congratulations on becoming a member of the Curriculum Trak learning community! This checklist will enable you to continue working through the setup process we discussed in your Setup Consultation (Part A)*. The videos provide clear and helpful information for each step.  (Please note that some of these videos are very large and may take some time to open.)

  1. Gain a general understanding of CurriculumTrak.
    Click here to watch a 18-minute video reviewing how Curriculum Trak works. If you already feel confident, you may skip this step.
  2. Upload your district’s teachers and courses data. 
    (Note: If your school uses FACTS SIS, you should watch this video rather than following steps a-c below.)
    a) Users (Teachers) Upload: Click here to watch this 12-minute video.
    b) Courses Upload: Click here to watch this 11-minute video.
    c) Upload Templates: Users Template / Courses Template
  3. Set up the proper permissions for each of your users / teachers.
    Click here to watch this 11-minute video.
* Required Consultations
  • We require these consultations because we need to make sure your setup is optimal before you or your staff begin doing any curriculum mapping work.
  • If there are any issues with your setup, it is crucial to catch this early so your teachers don’t have to redo any of their mapping work.
  • We require you to complete Part A and strongly recommend Part B before we will upload any standards for your school or answer your support tickets which are not setup related.