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Remote Training Expectation: Be Fully Present!
In our commitment to provide high-quality remote training opportunities to the schools we serve, Curriculum Trak makes it a point to set out clear expectations for each participant. The availability of remote training, while it offers many benefits, also comes with its own set of pitfalls we seek to guard against. In addition, unlike some remote events, in order for us to be successful in our training goals, we require active participation by every attendee. We desire not only to build upon a foundation of practical knowledge and develop specific technical skills through hands-on practice activities in our training, but we also seek to leverage the power of a network of like-minded educators fully equipped for their next steps and beyond. As such, we believe each participant can bring valuable ideas, insights, challenges, and victories with them to every training session. These unique contributions form a more meaningful learning experience for everyone involved than a passive training approach could accomplish alone. In essence, we design our training on the assumption that each participant will be fully present.
To support your efforts to be fully engaged during the duration of your training event, we recommend the following:
- Use a laptop or computer to access the event. Tablets and smartphones will not adequately support the level of interaction we seek during this training.
- Join independently. If you will be attending with another person from your school, we ask that you join and participate independently. A shared computer will limit your ability to participate. Even in school-specific group training sessions, it is helpful for individuals to share their own screen from time to time.
- Employ an extended display. If possible, especially for training events of more than two hours, plan to use a second monitor for an extended desktop during this training to support your own practice and application while observing what others present. (Shorter sessions or school-specific group training may rely on a projector for training demonstrations, but each attendee should still have access to their own device.)
- Be seen and heard. We strongly recommend BOTH audio and video capabilities for every participant as a way to promote networking among your training cohort. We encourage the use of a headset to enhance audio quality and further eliminate background noises and disruptions. For school-specific training events, a single member of the instructional team may serve as the communicator/facilitator between the remote CT instructor and the rest of the team with only slightly diminished results.
- Foster a learning environment. Limiting distractions for this event as you would for any other instructional experience will help protect your participation and enhance the experience for everyone else as well. Consider what possible distractions could occur in the environment in which you plan to attend at the time you will be using it, and seek to minimize those. This might be as simple as posting a “Do Not Disturb” sign, or you may need to consider an off-campus alternative.
- Seek Zoom proficiency. CT remote training is hosted through Zoom. Understanding how to access the platform and use the basic features (chat, emoticons, breakout rooms, etc.) will help you enjoy the training and contribute to it more effectively. If you have not used Zoom before, this brief tutorial and help page can get you started. A Zoom account is not required for attendees to join.
- Come prepared to do real work. It is helpful for attendees to select one area of instructional planning to bring with them to the training. This allows any practice assignments to be a contribution toward your real planning efforts.
- Fuel Your Brain. Snacking during training is not only acceptable, it is encouraged! Feel free to come prepared with your favorite snack. Keep the mute button handy to minimize the munching sounds, but if you have enough to share, please do!
Please Note: If you are planning to join a Curriculum Trak remote training event where these guidelines cannot be followed, please let us know. We would be happy to find ways to accommodate your specific needs in advance rather than finding that your setup will not support our training goals at the scheduled time of training.