While working with schools all over the US, I am often asked what the most important aspect of health education is. Is it sports, exercise, nutrition, sleep, hydration, stretching? While all of these are important, there is one thing that is the MOST important – Teaching students what the Bible says about health. Without applying scripture and Biblical principles to their health, they will have a shaky foundation.

We so often make health only about sports or exercise. We have students do workouts and games, thinking that we are helping them to build a foundation of movement for their whole life, but then they graduate and they are no longer required to go to a health class. Life gets busy and they fall out of that routine.

We must teach them WHY they need to steward their bodies. We must teach them simple frameworks they can use in any season. If students don’t have a solid conviction that goes deeper than just “looking good”, most will not maintain a healthy lifestyle.

The world teaches health from a vain and selfish perspective and it fails every time. The Bible teaches that transformation comes by the renewing of the mind. So we must teach students how to THINK rightly about health. We must teach them about the Biblical principle of stewardship. We must help them see that living a healthy lifestyle is about bringing glory to God and serving others.

The main way to do this is by bringing scripture directly into your health and PE classes. Teach them what the Bible says about what you are teaching. Then have them meditate on and memorize scripture so they actually believe it.

I want to give you our 32-lesson health devotional guide. This guide walks students through what the Bible teaches about health. It has passages of scripture, lesson summaries, and discussion questions for you to go deeper with students. Our schools love this guide as it is an easy way to implement Biblical principles into their classes. You can go HERE to download your copy. I hope it blesses and empowers you!

Photo by Fitsum Admasu on Unsplash

Ashton Tate is the founder of Glory to Glory Fitness in Franklin, TN, and the creator of The F.O.R.M. Curriculum. After walking through a life-changing health transformation he has dedicated his life to helping others live a healthy lifestyle to better serve God and others. At Glory to Glory Fitness their mission is to get quality health education to every student in America by equipping educators with the resources and systems they need to make a difference in students’ lives. His resources currently impact thousands of students in schools all over the United States.