“If you don’t know where you are going, you’ll end up someplace else.”  At Curriculum Trak, we think Yogi Berra got it exactly right. Without the strength of a good plan, nobody will reach the goal. Without the strength of solid curriculum plans, your school will not reach its goal to successfully educate its students. We hold this to be true at all levels of curriculum planning, from the big-picture, 10,000-foot view of a curriculum map to the detail-rich nitty-gritty of daily lesson plans. That’s why we encourage our CT schools to go beyond curriculum mapping and consider the adding Lesson Planner option to their Curriculum Trak account.

So, what’s so special about our Lesson Planner? We see great value in being able to seamlessly integrate the details of unit plans into daily lesson plans, whether that includes standards alignment, overarching strategic plans, or resource files and links. It’s all easily accessible as a teacher creates lesson plans because the daily lesson plans are directly tied to the unit plans. As teachers build lesson plans, they are saved in a personal database for future use as well as for collaborative efforts with team teachers. Lesson plan review and analysis is easy for both teachers and administrators with multiple types of reports to track things like content by keyword and standards alignment. Schools that use FACTS SIS or Google Classroom are also able to push their lesson plans from Curriculum Trak to these platforms for the sake of communication with parents and students

Your teachers are busy people. We know that. For many of them, it may be a big ask to transition to a new method of lesson planning right now. So, we recommend that you seek out a small team of teachers to be your pilot group. Their goal would be to explore the features of Curriculum Trak’s lesson planner even now and begin creating experimental lesson plans to get a feel for how well the program fits their needs. When it comes time to invite the whole staff to use the Lesson Planner, you’ve got some built-in support from this pilot group, who can offer ideas and help out of their own experience. Of course, we are always on hand to provide training and support when you need it, as well.

Want to get started? Feel free to take a look at our overview of the Lesson Planner to get a preliminary idea of how it works. We would love to sit down with you and show you all the features and discuss how it will best fit into your school culture. You can schedule a time to meet for this demo here.