Are summer days calling your name? Are your students (…and teachers…and you) itching for a break from the routine of school? Classrooms are being cleaned out, lockers are being emptied, textbooks are being returned and counted…and the checklist of end-of-year tasks goes on.  While you are trying to manage all the details of closing out the school year well, we want to supply you with some helpful information about what it means to come to a school year’s end with Curriculum Trak.

Annual Account Rollover

First of all, breathe easy! We’ve got you covered when it comes to an annual rollover of your account. We manage this for every school in mid-July. When it comes to curriculum maps and unit plans, there is nothing more you need to do. However, if you use our lesson planner, you may want to think about when it makes the most sense to switch from one instructional year to the next. This can still happen for you automatically in July, but if you would like to take ownership of this task so that you can begin working on your lesson plans for the upcoming school year sooner than mid-July, we would be glad to give you access to management of the annual rollover. This video overview will guide you through the process. If you want to get ahead and have your Lesson Planner ready to go for the new school year, there are a few tasks you’ll want to complete, like updating your No-School Days and having teachers set up their Class Sections. This checklist is a great place to start with preparations for the new year.

New Curriculum Trak Administrators

We know that many of you have new administrators on board now and you may be wondering how to help them get up to speed on the management of your CT account. No worries! We would be happy to support you with some training for any new administrative leaders at your school. We will gladly offer the necessary technical training, as well as provide guidance about your school’s best next steps. This complimentary service is our way of helping your school stay on track to meet your curriculum goals, even in the midst of a change of leadership. Just schedule a  New Administrator Consult when you’re ready for it.

Summer Professional Development

The summer months may be an excellent time for you (or some of your lead staff members and department heads) to consider further training with Curriculum Trak. We highly encourage you to take the opportunity this summer to be part of one of our upcoming CT Certification courses. This training provides in-depth instruction about how to integrate Curriculum Trak more fully and effectively in your school community. You will walk away from this training with a thorough understanding, not only of how to use Curriculum Trak better, but also why it is ultimately so essentially important for your school. And who doesn’t want to start the new school year with a certificate for your office or classroom wall that proudly displays your CT Certified status?! Find out more information about CT Certification here.

End of Year Consult

We hope this has been a great year of curriculum mapping for your school. If you find yourself looking at nearly-completed curriculum maps, wondering what kind of critical review and analysis you can do next to maintain your high standards for your school-wide curriculum, let us help! We would be glad to meet with you to review your curriculum maps and support you with ideas and strategies for using our Reports area in the best way possible as you determine what your school’s next steps will be. Please let us know if you would like to arrange a time to discuss your curriculum maps. This service is not included in your basic service agreement, but you are able to use your included training seats for this purpose and many other services as well.

Complimentary Map Review

Whether you have completed maps or not, we hope you’ll consider being a part of our Great Curriculum Trak Map Review Event. Submit up to four examples of your current curriculum maps–choose maps that best represent your current practices–and a Curriculum Trak mapping specialist will provide feedback to you to encourage further development. A selection of maps will be marked as “Exemplar” because of their advanced articulation, clarity or integration practices. We would love to see your school join our already growing accumulation of schools who are participating in this event. Let us know if you have any questions about this.

Summer is close at hand! Be sure your Curriculum Trak account is as ready as you need it to be. Don’t hesitate to let us know how we can come alongside you in this busy time to help you prepare for summer and the upcoming school year.