Have you checked out the lesson planning feature lately? If you use that feature in your Curriculum Trak account, you may have noticed some changes.

Attached Lessons in the Unit Plan: When teachers edit or view their units using the Unit Plan menu item at the top of their Curriculum Track account, they have always had the ability to see a listing of all the lessons attached to that unit on the right side of the screen. However, those lessons listed on the right side of the screen are now hyperlinks as well. That means that teachers, in addition to seeing the listing of the lessons attached to this unit, can now click on and view any lesson in a new tab without having to leave the Unit Plan screen.  To see this in action, a teacher should go to Unit Plans and choose a course and then a unit at the top of the screen. Then, they should see a listing of the lessons attached to that unit on the right side. They will notice these are now hyperlinks.

Unit Plan Details Can Now Appear in the Lesson Planner: Each lesson that a teacher creates or edits within the Lessons Database must be attached to a Curriculum Trak unit. When a lesson is attached to a unit, the benchmarks attached to that unit as well as the attachments from that unit are accessible in this lesson. Over the last several months, we have received requests from teachers to have other unit plan content pull down from the unit plan level to the daily lesson plan level to aid with lesson planning. With this recent enhancement, we feel we found a great solution for teachers. To see this in action, you can watch this five minute video →

If you are interested in using the Curriculum Trak lesson planning feature in your account, you can click here for more information →