If you have logged into your Curriculum Trak account recently, you may have noticed the different look to your homescreen. These changes involve quite a bit more than cosmetic changes. Users now have several options to manage and track their own use of their Curriculum Trak content. A link to the course now appears giving the user access to several additional options . The map icon will take the user directly into their curriculum map. Please continue reading for a brief tour of these changes:


  • Quick Access to the Curriculum Map: Users can still access their map right from their dashboard by simply clicking on the map icon located next to each course name.
  • Additional Information about the course: When users click on the course name link on their dashboard, the dashboard will expand providing additional information about the course.
  • Scope and Sequence with Unit Plan Access: In the expanded dashboard view for each course, the current scope and sequence of the course will appear with a direct link to each unit’s plan. This will allow for quick review of any course with a click and more details with just one additional click.
  • Daily Lesson Plan Access: Below the scope and sequence, if you are a Lesson Planner school, any lesson plans scheduled for that course on that calendar day will appear. Teachers can click the link provided to view the details of the lesson plan.
  • Attached Benchmarks Access: In the expanded dashboard view for any course, an additional benchmark summary will appear. This area will report the number of benchmarks attached to the course. The link will take you to the Benchmark by course report to view more details.  
  • Progress Report: Finally, in the expanded dashboard view, a user can see the progress for that course. This information is pulled from the curriculum map and reports the number of fields with information and is color coded according to the number of total fields in that unit. This information is a small sample of the “Curriculum Mapping Progress Report” available in the “Reports” button and allows each user to see how complete their maps are.


The video below provides an overview of all of these features. Contact support if you have any questions about this feature.
