Knowing what we should teach in our health and PE classes can be a challenge. There is so much information out there. Should we teach just the standards? Should we do sports? Weight lifting? And how do we add a solid Biblical worldview to what we are teaching? These are questions we are asked all the time. I approach these questions with a very simple framework that can build confidence in any health and PE program.

Many schools we work with have felt like in the past they had to sift through their curriculum or go on YouTube to find content they could show students so that the class materials were more than just a boring book. So, as we developed resources for our F.O.R.M. curriculum, we wanted to have a simple filter through which to run all of the content to ensure we are getting the best information to students so they can put that information into practice immediately.

We must look at the topic through three main lenses: historical evidence, Biblical principles, and current evidence-based research. Without all three of these filters, we only get a partial picture of how to understand a particular topic in health. It is only when we look through all three of these lenses that we see the full picture.

Historical – When and where did a topic originate? What are its results throughout history? Looking at the past reputation of a topic is crucial in determining its validity today. Many times we get so stuck in our current day and culture, and we don’t look back to see what people have done over the years and how that has changed in practice today.

Biblical – What are the motives and mindsets behind the topic? How does it line up with biblical principles? Is this topic consistent with the Word of God and/or the proven character of God? Are we helping students THINK rightly about the topic?

Current Research – Do current scholarly studies provide evidence to support the topic? What are the cold, hard, objective facts about the topic and its effects? What is the truth about how the body is made and how we can partner with our body to steward it well?

I would also add these two other things to consider when teaching any particular topic: One, it must be engaging. It has to keep the student’s attention. That’s why the F.O.R.M. Fitness curriculum created animated videos, lesson guides, challenges, and devotional guides, so they are getting different modalities of information so that it sticks. Two, it MUST be about the application. If students aren’t applying what they are learning outside of class I don’t believe the program is working to its fullest.

Take a look at your PE and health program. Does it check all the boxes with these filters? If it doesn’t, that’s ok! Now that you have these filters, you can find resources that check all of these boxes to help your students build a lasting foundation in their health.

Image by Ben Landers from Pixabay

Ashton Tate is the founder of Glory to Glory Fitness in Franklin, TN, and the creator of The F.O.R.M. Curriculum. After walking through a life-changing health transformation he has dedicated his life to helping others live a healthy lifestyle to better serve God and others. At Glory to Glory Fitness their mission is to get quality health education to every student in America by equipping educators with the resources and systems they need to make a difference in students’ lives. His resources currently impact thousands of students in schools all over the United States.